
Certificate Program in Plasma

National Cheng Kung University

- 學程公告 -

電漿學分學程系列演講 暨 電漿所專題演講

M3: A New Pulsed Power Machine Dedicated to Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments

演 講 者:Dr. Thomas Clayson

學 經 歷:Scientist, First Light Fusion Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom


演講地點:綜合大樓2樓 48218教室

演講日期:2019/11/21 (四) 14:10~16:00

大綱:First Light Fusion Ltd (FLF) is a privately funded company researching energy generation using inertial confinement fusion with hyper-velocity projectiles. Efforts are centered around both simulation and experimental capabilities to develop novel targets and electromagnetic launch techniques, with a focus on code validation. Previously, two low inductance pulsed power drivers, delivering 1 MA and 3.5 MA, have been used for developing electromagnetic launch capabilities and validating codes.

Machine 3 (M3), is a new low inductance, capacitor discharge pulsed power generator built to demonstrate fusion. When charged at 200 kV a total energy of 2.5 MJ is stored. When triggered, M3 delivers currents in excess of 14 MA with rise times of ~ 2 ?s. M3 was delivered on time and to budget, with commissioning in December of 2018 and first shots in January 2019.

World class diagnostic capabilities have been established at FLF, including ultra-high speed imaging (~ 3 ns exposure), streaked spectroscopy, VISAR and dynamic x-ray radiography. Meanwhile the current delivered by M3 is measured with up to 8 fiber-based Faraday rotation diagnostics while 96 B-dot probes and 96 V-dot probes monitor the closure time of each switch.

Details of M3 design and construction will be presented and results on the first of shots with the machine will be shown.