迎新餐會暨導生座談 (2012-09-12)

為了歡迎電漿所碩一新生,我們將在9/17(一) 中午12:10 舉辦迎新餐會暨導生座談:

地點:理論中心1樓 64115 教室

活動行程: 1.所長開場簡介 2.所上新生舊生自我介紹 3.問題提問 4.選班代


本校101學年度第1學期註冊通告及新生入學須知 (2012-07-09)



| 附件: 檔案下載 (3).doc 檔案下載 (4).doc 檔案下載 (5).doc

數位論文全文系統(ETD)重要通知 (2012-06-05)

| 附件: 檔案下載.docx

101第1學期選課事宜公告 (2012-05-21)

| 附件: 檔案下載 (2).doc

太空與電漿科學研究所研究生畢業論文審查委員聘任程序辦法(2013/04/08) (2010-04-29)

| 附件: 太空與電漿科學研究所研究生畢業論文審查委員聘任程序辦法(20130408).doc

3/12~3/20請務必進 "選課系統" 確認選課資料,逾期不予受理。 (2012-03-19)

1.3/12~3/20請務必進 "選課系統" 點選 "選課確認" 。

2.確認完畢請自行列印存查,以便日後有爭議可佐證 !

3.若有 修課學分不足 or 衝堂 or 未註冊繳費 而導致網路無法確認請洽註冊組各學系承辦人。

4.大學部及研究生(含專班)退選截止 :5月4日。

5.退選單列印 請至 註冊組>申請表單>21.退選單


100學年度第一學期期末考公告 (2011-12-26)

100學年度第一學期期末考相關資料如附件, 請大家參考!

| 附件: 檔案下載 (1).pdf

公告100學年度第2學期選課事宜 (2011-12-07)



公告本校100學年度第1學期學生選課事宜 (2011-06-10)

西田靖教授獲得2011年日本文部科學大臣科學技術獎 (2011-04-26)

西田靖教授與他的共同作者在電漿粒子加速的發現與超小型電子加速器的研究, 獲得2011年日本文部科學大臣科學技術獎, 該研究成果不僅在電漿技術應用作出貢獻, 同時也可應用於原子精密量測, 以及放射治療, 血管攝影與癌症治療等醫療技術改善...


The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

(1) 科学技術賞 Prizes for Science and Technology

2) 研究部門 Research


Discovery of Particle Acceleration by Plasma and Investigations on the Ultra-Small Accelerator

Prize winners:

Kazuyoshi Koyama

Project Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo

Yasushi Nishida

Research Professor, Plasma and Space Science Center, National Cheng Kung University

Mitsuru Uesaka

Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo

Major achievements:

The conventional electron accelerators which employ microwave and metal waveguides have limitation on maximum acceleration gradient by the physical reasons. Therefore, multiple acceleration and beam-focusing with lens between field exciting units are necessarily required in an accelerator in order to accelerate beams to high enough energy. As a result the accelerators become quite large in addition the accelerator requires components with ultra-fine process.

In the present researches, instead of microwave and metal high frequency wave guide, the ultra-short pulse laser excites a wake field which runs almost a speed of light in the plasma for forming the acceleration mechanism. By using laser wake field, we have succeeded to realize an ultra-small accelerator which has an acceleration gradient more than a thousand times larger than conventional accelerators have and also has electron bunches with femto-second length.

By the present results of investigation, we have also succeeded to show mono-energy electron bunch for the first time in the laser acceleration fields. Also we succeeded to show for the first time that the electron bunches accelerated by the present new acceleration system localize in quite short time duration of several 10 femto-second and electron particle numbers in a localized bunch are almost the same or even larger than that the conventional accelerator has.

The present results will realize, on the table-top with almost 2 m squares, the X-ray source with variable wave length and good directionality which was only realized so far with large facilities. This new accelerator will contribute to radiation treatments which are another key application fields of atomic engineering, such as clarification of ultra-high speed phenomena, precise analysis of atoms, photographs on blood vessels with precise and good contrast, cancer treatment and others.


| 附件: 2011_Prize_from_MEXT.pdf.pdf