Institute of Space and Plasma Sciences
National Cheng Kung University
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TASA Projects in D4 Space Lab
FAST project and its physics and technological issues
Professor Akira Ejiri (The University of Tokyo)
FAST is a project started recently aiming at DT burning plasma and related R&D (https://www.fast-pj.com/en). The project is a private-sector-led industry-academia collaboration. The mission is to demonstrate electricity generation by the 2030s. The demonstration, here, is “Heat extracted from the blanket is used to produce 10 MW of electricity for 15 min”. The necessary specifications for the R&Ds are (i) fusion power: 50 – 100 MW, (ii) Discharge duration: 1000 sec, (iii) neutron wall loading: 0.3 – 1 MW/m2, (iv) Full power operation time: 1000 hr. Note that TBR > 1 and high Q are not required. Physics and technological issues will be presented in the talk.
Polarization Charge Effects in Microwave Heating
Polarization charges play a vital role but are commonly overlooked in microwave heating. In this talk, we illustrate the fundamental nature of this effect via two practical examples.
First, non-uniform heating very often results in an excessive temperature spread. Exposure to a nonuniform field is a well-known and extensively studied cause of non-uniform heating. Polarization charge effects constitute another important cause, which is inherent in nature in that it persists even in a perfectly uniform field. In a uniform wave electric field (E0), molecular charges in a dielectric object are polarized along the direction of E0 to partially shield E0. As a result, the object’s interior E-field can be much smaller than E0. The shielding effect, hence the heating rate, is sensitive to the object’s shape and orientation. The difference in heating rate can lead to an unexpectedly large temperature spread. Its effect on microwave chemical synthesis will be discussed in detail.
Second, in the case of two dielectric spheres in a wave electric field, polarization charges form independently on each sphere when the two spheres are far separated. However, when separated by a narrow gap, polarization charges on opposite sides of the gap enhance each other. The enhanced electric field in a microwave oven is sufficient to cause air sparks. This explains a long-standing puzzle of public interest; namely, the gap region between two closely-spaced grapes in a 2.45 GHz household.
An Overview of Magnetized Plasma Experiment (MPX) Laboratory
Experiments in the Pulsed-plasma Laboratory (PPL)
Varies experiments using pulsed-power systems conducted in the pulsed-plasma laboratory will be introduced. They include experiments of exploding wires, shock generation using flyer plates impacting a target, pulsed-plasma thruster using an unbalanced theta pinch, and developments of the Formosa Integrated Research Spherical Tokamak (FIRST).
吳少方老師 (國立成功大學外語中心)
Investigation of Highly Charged Inert Gas Ions Measured in Impurity Seeding Experiment at Large Helical Device Through Detailed Atomic Structure and Electron-Ion Collision Calculations
Dr. Shivam Gupta (National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan)
The study of spectral lines emitted from individual extrinsic impurities in high-temperature tokamak devices plays an essential role in diagnosing the fusion plasma in their edge and core regions through various diagnostic methods [1]. In large-scale fusion plasma devices such as ITER and CFETR, etc. higher atomic Z elements (e.g. Kr and Xe) are considered to be suitable to serve as the impurity seeding element for the X-ray Crystal Spectrometer (XCS) diagnostics [2]. The contribution of each charge state of the highly charged Kr and Xe ions has not yet been clarified in detail in high-temperature fusion plasma, and their detailed atomic data and collision cross-section data are required for plasma modeling purposes.
In view of this, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) spectral diagnostics of highly charged Kr and Xe ions were programmed for the 24th campaign of the Large Helical Device (LHD). In the present work, Collisional-Radiative (CR) model calculations were carried out for the Kr25+ and Xe25+charge state. An impurity seeding experiment was conducted using the Kr and Xe gases. In the experiment, LHD plasma was ignited using the electron cyclotron heating system, while Negative-ion-based Neutral Beam Injection (N-NBI) #1-3 was utilized to sustain the plasma from 3.3-7.3s. Kr and Xe gases were injected at 4.0s, and emission spectra of highly charged Kr and Xe charge states were measured in the EUV wavelength regions. The detailed spectral analysis of measured Kr and Xe-ions was performed to validate the theoretical collisional data and CR model calculations. The CR model calculation included various population transfer kinetic processes among the fine structure levels of the considered Kr and Xe ions. Detailed atomic structure and collision calculations were performed for the excitation energies, oscillator strengths, wave functions, and their cross-sections for various fine structure transitions from the ground state and excited states to the other fine structure levels using the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC) [3]. Further, these calculated data incorporated into the CR model to solve the kinetic rate balance equations. Theoretical synthetic spectrum was generated through the population of the considered fine structure levels of the Kr and Xe ions. The comparison of theoretical spectra with the LHD-measured spectra validated the atomic structure and collision data calculations prominent for spectroscopic diagnostics of future fusion plasma experiments in different tokamak devices.
[1] A Kallenbach et al, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 55, 124041 (2013).
[2] D. Lu et al, Nuclear Fusion 63, 056002 (2023).
[3] M. F. Gu, Can. J. Phys. 86, 675 (2008).
Capacitance for porous and/or fractal-shaped dielectric slab
博士候選人Samra Kanwa(新加坡科技設計大學)
When studying a heterogeneous dielectric medium with fractal geometry or disordered random structures, it is possible to determine the capacitance between two parallel plates by applying non-integer dimensions. The capacitance is influenced by the fractional dimensions of the fractal or disordered dielectric slab, which can be calculated using the theoretical fractal dimension or box-counting method. These findings have been confirmed through testing with CST Studio Suite (Electromagnetic field simulation software) and the equivalent capacitance method. Five common types of fractals (Cantor bars/plates, Sierpinski carpet, Sierpinski triangle, Haferman carpet, and Menger sponge) and random structures have been tested, showing good agreement. Additionally, using less dielectric material has resulted in an effective gain of capacitance, which can benefit material-saving purposes. This study provides a valuable tool for modeling the capacitance of heterogeneous materials, particularly those containing fractals and disordered structures commonly found in organic materials and dielectrics requiring precision and efficient fabrication.
參訪單位 : 成功大學 核心設施中心
參訪實驗室:自強校區 儀器設備大樓B1 檢測實驗室
集合時間:2024年3月7日 14:05
注意事項 : 需統一帶入換穿無塵衣, 請勿遲到
吳少方 老師(國立成功大學外語中心)
白植豪 教授(中央大學物理學系)
超短超強雷射具有超快與超強的特性,非常適合發展基於雷射電漿作用產生光源和粒子源的研究。這些獨特光源和粒子源具諸多的應用如雷射質子加速器發展和雷射輔助之硼氫高溫電漿與核融合的研究。本演講將介紹在中央大100 TW雷射系統開展相關領域的研究進展。
朱繼文 經理(日昇科技股份股份公司)
洪誌寬 副總經理(芳興科技股份有限公司)
吳少方 老師(國立成功大學外語中心)
Bridging the Gap in Ionosphere Propagation and Enhancing Amateur Radio Communication with CubeSat design (利用 CubeSat 設計縮小電離層傳播的差距並增強業餘無線電通訊)
黃文杰 總經理(雷斯康國際有限公司)
Atmospheric-pressure Plasma Effects on Cancer Cells and RONS Generation for Medical Applications
鄭雲謙 教授(國立陽明交通大學 機械工程學系)
We compared the effects of plasma with thermal therapy on lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion. This study find out that the plasma can selectively kill lung cancer cells and the benign cells remain its viability. Besides, the thermal therapy kills both cancer cell and benign cells. To investigate what is the plasma factor that inhibits cancer cells, we investigated the effects of plasma-generated short-lived species, long-lived species, and electric fields on skin melanoma and basal cell carcinoma cells (A2058 cells, BCC cells) and normal cells (BJ cells, Detroit 551 cells) and found that the short-lived species do make selective inhibition to the benign and malignant cells. The second part of my study is that we mix water aerosol with plasma jet at downstream region makes the plasma jet generate more • OH. We designed different mixing chambers and adjusting the water aerosol flow rate maximize the • OH generated by plasma jet for biological applications. We also constructed an impedance matching circuit for a partial-discharge calibrated (PDC) atmospheric-pressure plane-to-plane DBD equivalent circuit. The last part of my work is that we used machine learning to distinguish the discharge current of different plasma. The plasma discharge can be different depending on the conditions, and the resulting discharge current has quite different electrical features. Hence, a real-time and cost-effective diagnosis of atmospheric-pressure plasma discharge can be possibly provided via current classification with deep learning model.
Parylene conformal coating technology introduction
張均豪 執行長(方均科技股份有限公司)
聚對二甲苯(Poly-para-xylylene;簡稱Parylene)是一種高分子聚合,Parylene製程首先將粉末蒸發成氣體型態,在真空狀態下以氣相沉積方式將單體分子以高分子聚合方式沉積於物體表面上,可披覆到複雜形狀的表面,膜厚可一致的披覆在被鍍物任何部位,呈現良好的Conformal Coating及Step Coverage功效,具有高均勻度、 耐酸鹼、 耐高低溫、透明無應力、緻密無針孔、不含溶劑、防水/耐鹽霧、耐高電壓絕緣、低介電損耗、耐化學溶劑等優異特性,鍍膜應用於半導體零組件、感測元件、航太、軍工/通訊/儲能/車用電路板、及消費型電子等。
陳彥彰 副理(立創光電股份有限公司)
何承舫 副研究員(國家實驗研究院 台灣儀器科技研究中心)
Experimental Demonstration of Langmuir Wave Supercontinuum in a Laboratory Plasma
Large scale kinetic simulations on commodity hardware
Dr. Frank S. Tsung(Department of Physics & Astronomy, UCLA)
The NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU, with a peak speed of 28 TFLOPS, would have ranked #2 supercomputer in the world 20 years ago. With this kind of computing power on our desktops, it is now possible to perform world-class scientific simulations using commodity hardwares. The UCLA Particle-in-Cell Simulation Group, founded by Professor John Dawson 50 years ago in the 1970’s, has been the leader in the development of particle-in-cell simulation tools on some of the fastest supercomputers in the world. However, these codes can also be run very efficiently on commodity hardwares such as a single NVIDIA GPU or the Apple M1 processor. In my talk, I will show some examples of very large simulations performed on some of the largest supercomputers in the world. In addition, I will show that with a modest budget (1,000,000 NTD, or 30,000 USD), it is possible to build a small cluster that is capable of some producing very high quality, high impact simulations in many areas of plasma physics, including laser fusion, particle acceleration, and space plasma physics.
適用智慧車輛的車道級定位技術: 挑戰與機遇
江凱偉 教授(成功大學測量及空間資訊學系)
隨著運輸方式的轉變以及科技的革新,汽車具有智慧化、電動化與聯網化的趨勢,藉由新一代技術可實現行車安全、節能環保、舒適行駛以及提高交通效率等目標。智慧聯網電動車藉由搭載先進的車載感知感測器、導航感測器、行車決策與控制電腦等裝置,並融合現代通信與網路、人工智慧等技術,實現車聯網(V2X)智慧資訊交換與共用,具備複雜環境感知、智慧決策、協同控制等功能,其中安全的導航技術扮演重要的角色亦是實現行車安全的關鍵,而最終智慧聯網電動車以系統代替人類完全自動駕駛任務為終極目標。為實現自動駕駛(Level 3以上),車道內(In-Lane)(<0.5公尺)等級的定位精度是不可或缺的,此外導航系統必須具備高環境適應力與容錯性,以確保汽車在任何場景、時刻皆可安全、穩定的行駛,因此多元感測器的融合架構已成為普遍的發展趨勢。
Ultrafast plasma dynamics in a short-pulse laser ionized gas
黃振崗 博士(中央研究院 原子與分子科學研究所)
Since the advent of high-power pulsed lasers, significant amount of attention has been drawn to a laser-induced plasma due to its numerous applications in plasma-based accelerators, radiation generation, and controlled fusion. Characteristics of the plasma ionized from a gas are strongly affected by the ionizing laser pulse and the ionized medium. In most cases, plasma electron distribution is inhomogeneous and anisotropic after ionization. Such a plasma is highly unstable and susceptible to various plasma instabilities. These instabilities, including both electrostatic (two-stream) instability and electromagnetic (filamentation and Weibel) instabilities, rapidly trigger the growth of the density fluctuation, electric and magnetic field [1]. By properly controlling the parameters of the ionizing laser, we may produce a plasma with a certain non-Maxwellian and/or anisotropic distribution function that is suitable for studying kinetic plasma instabilities [2, 3]. A particular interest is on the Weibel instability for its role in plasma astrophysics as a mechanism of self-generated magnetic field [4]. The intricate dynamics of an optical-field ionized plasma are comprehensively studied in theoretical calculations and particle-in-cell simulations. Experimental verification has been done in a series of pump-probe experiments, where the unstable density waves were inferred by short-pulse Thomson scattering measurement [3] and the self-generated magnetic field was measured by electron beam radiography [5].
[1] V. Yu. Bychenkov et al, Phys. Plasmas 13, 013101 (2006)
[2] C. K. Huang et al., Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62, 024011 (2020).
[3] C. J. Zhang et al., Sci. Adv. 5, eaax4545 (2019).
[4] R. Schlickeiser, and P. K. Shukla, Astrophys. J. 599, L57–L60 (2003).
[5] C. J. Zhang et al., PNAS 119 (50) e2211713119 (2022).
李芳承 博士(工業技術研究院南分院)
1. 流道反應器(Reactors)
2. FEM & SPH粒子法差異
3. 多相混合技術克服
4. Cases Study
何明字 副教授(成功大學工程科學系)
前瞻火箭研究中心(Advanced Rocket Research Center, ARRC) 是一個跨校際的火箭研究團隊,十多年來,他們多次成功地試射了大、小型火箭,更於去年七月科技部「短期科研探空火箭發射場域」啟用後的首次任務,發射了全球第一枚具導控能力的混合式火箭,使台灣距離用自製的火箭送衛星上太空的目標,又更靠近了一步。這演講中將先介紹火箭系統的相關技術,講述這十多年來 ARRC 團隊研發混合式火箭的過程與成果,以及目前 ARRC 正在進行中的研究工作。
吳少方 老師(國立成功大學外語中心)
吳少方 老師(國立成功大學外語中心)
Relativistic ion acceleration with intense laser pulses
Prof. Yasuhiro Kuramitsu(Department of Electrical Engineering, Osaka University, Japan)
We conducted laser ion acceleration experiments using large-area suspended graphene (LSG) as the target. Graphene is the thinnest and strongest 2D material but possesses extremely high thermal and electrical conductivities and extremely low optical reflectivity. We are able to control the LSG thickness as one of the experiment parameter by transferring graphene layer by layer. Based on the LSG technique, we conducted a series of experiments on the laser driven ion acceleration with a diverse parameters of laser such as energies from a few J to kJ, pulse durations from fs to ps, intensities from sub-relativistic to relativistic.
In this talk, we report our experimental results on energetic ion acceleration with LSG and introduce some novel applications on laboratory astrophysics and nuclear physics.
劉松河 組長(工研院南分院 先進光機與智造技術組)
葉昭永 博士(金屬工業研究發展中心)
葛廣漢 董事長(廣碩系統股份有限公司)
* Current Space Industry Development
* Space Education Needs
* Small Satellite Development and Status
* International Space Station & Experiment In Space
* Advancement in Lunar Explorations
* Technological Improvement and Availability Enabling Space Education
* Global Cooperation in Space
* Global Cooperation in Space Industry
* Global Cooperation in Space Education
* Future Possibilities
曾達麟 協理(宜特科技股份有限公司)
蘇晉鋒 博士(萊凌科技股份有限公司)
詹英傑 研發長 (經緯航太科技股份有限公司)
陳秀莉 正工程師 (國家太空中心)
電磁相容案例分享: NASA's Mars Rover
李柏緯 副處長 (鐳洋科技股份有限公司)
低軌衛星通訊(Low Earth Orbit, LEO)為近年來廣為被大家關注的話題,有別於早期的同步軌道衛星,衛星的高度約莫在500 ~ 1500公里之距離,其衛星相較於地面的移動速度高達每秒7.5 公里。如此高速的移動速度,在天線設計上使用傳統的碟型天線將面臨到追蹤速度(機械式)無法跟上衛星移動速度,因此在天線設計上改以陣列天線設計,其波束追蹤方法從機械式改為電子式波束追蹤。本講題首先介紹近年來衛星產業發展趨勢,然後再實際以地面接收站為例,為各位聽眾介紹地面接收應用之陣列天線設計。
陳台彰 總經理暨執行長 (創星淨聯科技股份有限公司 )
1. 個人學經歷簡介
2. 個人練功經過
3. 從專業到創業
4. 創業二三事
5. Q&A
黃旭璀 總經理(三方機械工業股份有限公司)
Space Product Development - Extreme Environment Testing
林應傑 高級產品工程師(捷揚航電股份有限公司)
Space satellite module development stage, functional verification and extreme environment testing.
洪宗彬 副教授(正修科技大學 機械工程學系)
超音波加工是利用具有超音波振動的工具在被加工元件上進行,切削、焊接、研磨…。 在有磨料的液體介質中或具有固定磨料工具,高頻振動的工具會帶動磨料衝擊、拋磨或液壓沖擊所產生的氣蝕作用來去除材料。
劉志宏 博士(工業技術研究院 機械與系統研究所)
林志陽 工程師(國家太空中心 )
1. Space Environment
2. Satellite Integration & Test Flows
3. NSPO’s Environmental Test Facilities
鄭詠聰 博士(成功大學電機系 )
林茂松 資深工程師(日揚科技股份有限公司 )
Bi-directional anode long-acting plasma chemical vapor deposition method applied to contact lenses
林文賓 博士(亨泰光學股份有限公司 )
Rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses are composed mainly by Silicone methacrylate (SMA) or Fluorosilicone acrylates (FSA) with Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). In addition, RGP contact lens can effectively correct different type of ametropia. The surface of RGP contact lens is generally hydrophobic therefore after blinking the eye the tear cannot complete spread evenly over the lens surface and it will result in some discomfort for the eye. The surface of RGP contact lens is generally hydrophobic therefore after blinking the eye the tear cannot complete spread evenly over the lens surface and it will result in some discomfort for the eye. In addition, a clean and well-wetting lens surface is beneficial in managing 3- and 9-o’clock staining. The deposition lipids on RGP contact lenses can be due to the equilibrium of surface hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity of materials.
In this study RGP contact lenses were modified by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD ) of N-vinyl-2- pyrrolidone (NVP)/poly(ethylene glycol methyl ether methacrylate) (PEGMA) to promote hydrophilicity and the resistance to protein and bacteria. FTIR analyses confirmed the success of coating of NVP and PEGMA on the surface of RGP contact lens. Moreover, the cytotoxicity and cell viability of the NVP/PEGMA coating RGP contact lenses were evaluated by cultivation of L929 fibroblasts and through lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) assays. The protein adsorption on RGP contact lens was investigated by bicinchoninic acid assay using bovine serum albumin (BSA) and lysozyme as model proteins. And the antibacterial potency of the RGP contact lens was assessed using environmental bacterial strains of Staphylococcus Aureus (ATCC 6538).
Introduction to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Communications (SatCom) System
梁庭榕 博士(工業技術研究院 資訊與通訊研究所)
The Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Communications (SatCom) System will be introduced with four parts in this presentation. Firstly, the basics of LEO SatCom, including satellite behavior in different orbits, single LEO vs constellation, SatCom architecture, services and frequency spectrum, will be step by step explained. In the second part, the business opportunities regarding market trend, ITU Frequency regulation, LEO operator’s activities, market values, will be sequentially expressed, followed by the analysis and potential action items of the SatCom supply chain in Taiwan. In the third part, the challenges in technology will be commented, including the topics relating to application requirement review, mission definition review, system definition review, system design and system realization in the field of both space and ground segments. Finally, current government’s activities will be presented, following by a short prediction of potential action items in the near future.
鄭炳國 處長(金屬工業研究發展中心 製程處)
1. 車輛產業發展趨勢
2. 管件液壓成形技術
3. 超高強度鋼熱沖壓技術
4. 鋁合金溫 /熱成形技術
Vision 2030 — enabling UAV shipping, real-time satellite imaging, and self-driving cars
王毓駒 董事長/執行長(創未來科技有限公司)
Phased array technologies have evolved into a stage where many applications can be fulfilled using hardware with much lower cost, smaller size, and higher portability. This would enable various exciting applications such as UAV shipping, real-time satellite imaging, and self-driving cars, in the few years to come. In this talk, progresses in various phased-array-based applications in Tron Future Tech will be introduced, including portable drone surveillance radars, satellite imaging radar, satellite communication with automobiles, and their potential of enabling the aforementioned applications in smart cities will be explained. However, these developments and prospects also raise many challenges in both science and engineering. Potential challenges are highly desirable to be addressed for the realization of a 2030 vision and further developments.
吳東嶸 副總經理 (優貝克科技股份有限公司)
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