Simulation of runaway electrons with MHD modes

( Dr. Masatoshi Yagi / National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, (QST), Japan )


Dynamics of runaway electrons in the presence of macroscopic MHD instabilities is studied. Generation of massive runaway beam currents has become a crucial issue for the development of reliable disruption mitigation schemes in ITER. A difficulty arises in a large gap of the avalanche growth gain between present tokamaks and ITER, which prevents us from a straightforward extrapolation of the experimental data towards disruptions with 10MA-order plasma currents. Therefore – in addition to experimental demonstration of runaway mitigation – the development of numerical simulations increases its importance. To clarify possible effects of MHD modes on runaway electron generation, we have applied a nonlinear reduced fluid model [1] for long- term simulations of runaway generation scenario in a post-disruption plasma. In a plasma unstable to resistive kink modes, the coupling between MHD modes, runaway electrons, and electric fields becomes important. It is shown that seed electrons can be enhanced with inductive electric fields and the final runaway beam profile develops to be consistent with the resistive MHD stability [2]. For exploring the possibility of runaway suppression, magnetic and orbit stochasticity is suggested to cause radially global transport of runaway electrons [3].

| 附件: 20171109 Dr. Masatoshi Yagi.pdf


汪德彥 (交通部民用航空局 飛航服務總臺 北部飛航服務園區 臺北航空通信中心)




| 附件: 20171102 汪德彥.pdf

什麼是太空天氣? What is Space Weather ?

江致宇 博士候選人( 成大電漿所 )


近年來,隨著太空科技的日新月異,人類對太空探索和研究已從過去為了解決單一議題,擴大成為整體性太空環境的監測和討論,尤其是會影響人類生活的地球磁層到電離層區域。而想了解太空天氣,學習"電漿"絕對是入門的基本條件,因為從地球大氣層以上,幾乎都是電漿的天下,所有影響太空天氣的活動,也都必須從電漿物理出發。所以這次的演講課題,將跟大家說明太空天氣的源頭在哪裡? 在磁層中有哪些的動力學驅動機制? 以及最後在電離層當中所呈現的結果是什麼? 歡迎大家一起來學習與討論。

| 附件: 20171026 江致宇博士候選人.pdf

In-situ plasma measurements in the Earth’s ionosphere

方惠寬 博士 ( 成大電漿所 )


Measurements of plasma are fundamental for space physics, especially for space weather. Recently, giant progress of the CubeSat technologies greatly lowers the barrier to insert a satellite into a lower earth orbit for space exploration. Satellite constellation missions consisting of tens of CubeSats is planned and launched. These missions provide multi-point measurements and make it possible to separate spatial and temporal effects regarding couplings between ionosphere, atmosphere and even lithosphere. And the altitude of these missions are rarely explored by conventional satellites because of large air drag and short mission lifetime. In addition to Cubesat missions, simultaneous multi-instrument measurements onboard sounding rockets aiming for the plasma characteristic investigations in the ionosphere D layers, which is the least-explored region in the ionosphere, is planned. In this presentation, the plasma diagnostic techniques onboard CubeSats and sounding rockets will be introduced. The design concepts of the solar EUV probe onboard the Phoenix CubeSat in QB50 mission and the “Mesosphere and Ionosphere Plasma Exploration complex (MIPEX)” instrument onboard the NCKU sounding rocket, which is planned to be launched in 2020, will be shown. These experiments can provide unique high-quality data of the plasma environment to explore the ion distribution and the electrodynamic processes in the Ionosphere D, E layers.

| 附件: 20171019 方惠寬博士.pdf

大氣電學-從高空短暫發光現象到大氣電離層垂直耦合 Atmospheric electricity - From transient luminsous events to a vertical coupling in the Atmosphere–Ionosphere system

陳炳志 副教授 ( 成大電漿所 )



| 附件: 20171012 陳炳志副教授.pdf

ERG: Ongoing Japan-Taiwan Collaborative Effort to Explore the Radiation Belts

談永頤 教授 ( 成大電漿所 )


The ERG (Energization and Radiation in Geospace) satellite, nicknamed "Arase", was launched at 20:00 Japan Standard Time on December 20, 2016 from Uchinoura, Japan. The mission is a collaboration between Japan and Taiwan, as one of the instruments aboard the Japanese satellite, LEP-e (Low-Energy Particle experiments - Electron analyzer), was developed by a team in Taiwan that featured the joint effort by Academia Sinica and National Cheng Kung University. The mission aims to investigate the dynamics in the inner magnetosphere, particularly the Van Allen Radiation Belts where the existence of highly energetic particles is common, with the primary goal to understand the acceleration and loss mechanisms of such energetic particles, especially electrons with energies in the relativistic range. The satellite mission is part of the ERG project, which integrates data analyses and simulations based on the satellite measurements and ground-based network observations. With conjugated ground observations complementing measurements by a variety of instruments on the satellite for electromagnetic fields as well as ions and electrons of wide ranges of energy, the ERG project has the potential to contribute to space science research beyond its primary objective.

| 附件: 20170928 談永頤教授.pdf

Fusion in a Staged Z-Pinch

Dr. Frank J. Wessel / Magneto-Inertial Fusion Technologies, Inc., Tustin, CA, USA )



The Staged Z-pinch is a fusion concept involving the implosion of a high-atomic-number liner onto a pre-magnetized, fusible-target plasma. The concept emerged from liner-driven, flux-compression experiments, wherein a fiber optic, coaxial with the pinch, was used to measure the magnetic-field intensity. Current induced on the fiber’s exterior was observed to couple a pressure impulse that caused the fiber to become birefringent and loose signal [1]. The resulting generalized description for the SZP included azimuthal- and axial-magnetic fields and induction-current amplification, providing a means to confine and adiabatically heat a target in a step-wise manner [2]. Laser Schlieren imaging of the SZP indicates that even though the liner’s outer surface becomes Rayleigh Taylor unstable, the liner-target interface remains stable until peak compression. The interface stability is accounted for as a shock-front piston [3]. We have investigated its formation and energy coupling as a function of liner-atomic mass [4]. High-atomic number is preferred, leading to a high-energy-density target plasma with fusion products confined in a magnetic well [5]. Recent SZP experiments, designed to investigate these effects, were conducted at the University of Nevada, Reno and Cornell University, on 1 MA, 100 ns pulsers. Data indicate that the SZP is more stable when a target is present, leading to the production of primary (DD) and secondary neutron yields (DT), of thermonuclear origin, as seen in previous experiments [6]. Design refinements to the SZP consider the use of tailored mass profiles to increase the interface pressure and target acceleration [7]. This talk provides a comprehensive summary of the SZP experimental, theoretical, and computational results.

| 附件: 海報.jpg

Introduction of Lunar Impact Flash and Near-Earth Asteroid Observing Camera on Deep-space 6U Spacecraft EQUULEUS and Star-ALE Artificial Meteor Projects

Prof. Shinsuke Abe / Department of Aerospace Engineering, Nihon University )


(1) EQUULEUS (EQUilibriUm Lunar-Earth point 6U Spacecraft) will be the world’s smallest spacecraft to explore the Earth-Moon Lagrange2 point (EML2). The spacecraft will be jointly developed by the University of Tokyo and JAXA which will be launched by NASA’s SLS (Space Launch System) EM-1 (Exploration Mission-1) in 2019. The spacecraft will fly to a libration orbit around the EML2 point and demonstrate trajectory control techniques within the Sun-Earth-Moon region. We are developing DELPHINUS (DEtection camera for Lunar impact PHenomena IN 6U Spacecraft), one of the scientific instruments which can observe the Lunar impact flashes and near-Earth asteroids.

(2) Japanese space start-up ALE is developing the technology to deliver on-demand man-made meteors, which could turn the night sky into a blank canvas. We plan to launch its first satellite into orbit in 2018, and present its debut show in early-2019, when that satellite has reached its position. I'll introduce our artificial meteor project and EQUULEUS.

附件: 20170710 Prof. Shinsuke Abe.pdf


廖榮鑫 董事長 ( 漢翔航空公司 )


| 附件: 漢翔廖榮鑫董事長NCKU演講0606-1.pdf

Tabletop Analog Black Holes and Information Loss Paradox

( 陳丕燊 教授 / 臺灣大學物理系 )


43 years ago, Stephen Hawking combined quantum field theory with Einstein’s theory of general relativity and discovered black hole evaporation. The debate over whether information is really lost during Hawking evaporation has persisted ever since. Almost all the contemporary leading theoretical physicists have participated in this “black hole war”. In quantum mechanics, the probability, or information, must be preserved before and after a physical process. The seeming loss of information as a result of the black hole evaporation therefore implies that general relativity and quantum mechanics, the two pillars of modern physics, may be in conflict. So far the debate remains purely theoretical, since the the resolution of this paradox relies on the knowledge of the end stage of BH evaporation, yet typical BHs in the universe are too young and cold. Earlier this year, Pisin Chen proposed a table top analog BH experiment using plasma mirrors created by ultra intense lasers.He further organized a new international AnaBHEL (Analog Black Hole Evaporation via Lasers) Collaboration that includes institutions from France, Japan, Mainland China, and Taiwan, to carry out the experiment. This seminar will introduce the history and the physics of BH information loss paradox and the concept of the proposed analog BH experiment.

| 附件: 20170525 陳丕燊教授.pdf